Lemony, Lemony, Lemony. For years now, Lemony Snicket has become one of the more famous (or as he may put it: infamous) writers of today. It was with a heavy, yet somewhat light heart that I finished a series that I quite despise, yet love at the same time. The thirteenth book in the Series of Unfortunate Events, the Baudelaire children; Violet, Klaus, and Sunny, along with Count Olaf are stuck at sea in a boat that the Count has named Count Olaf. The only things that they have are each other and a deadly fungus named Medusoid Mycellium in a figurehead. The children and Count are about to give up hope when they land on a supposedly deserted island. They soon find that they are not the only people there. They find the people on the island who follow a little too close behind their facilitator called Ishmael. Ishmael rules over not just the people of the island, though also their minds by saying " I won't force you, though I would really like it if..." By doing this, the islanders are not able to act upon their own free wills. Through a series of complicated and unfortunate events, the orphans find that their parents once lived on the island, that Ishmael is slightly evil, and that the horseradish in a hybrid apple tree will counteract the Medusoid Mycellium. In the end, the deadly fungus is released into the lungs of the islanders, the islanders sail away, with Ishmael full of apples, the Baudelaires save themselves with the apples, Count Olaf dies, Kit Snicket ( a relative of Lemony's) gives birth, and the orphans continue to live on the island with the new Beatrice Baudelaire II.
If you enjoy misery, pain, misery, laughter, misery, dry humor, and misery, then this is certainly the book for you. Lemony Snicket's clever use of humor, and social satire will certainly blow you away. The sarcasm and dry, sometimes metaphorical humor show off his insane ability to write novels, no matter how miserable and unfortunate they are. My overall scoop: DO NOT READ THIS BOOK!
hey i read the same book omfg
hey i qont say your name because there might be potential stalkers reading this, but anywas, you know me from elementary school- ith smay
and your "GIA" class with Mrs. Sewob. hint hint, nudge nudge, wink wink. Moving on, even though I only skimmed a few entries, I can see that you will soon be very successful. oh, and another hint- you read the book when I lent it to you... SO... please visit my blog at the given address. !!!!!!!!
I hope you have tons of readers, and i will see you tommorrow in gia class, so, in and out, buh bye, shortstuff....
Great job home- dizzle
Great job home- dizzle
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