Yes, another Artemis Fowl. Interesting fact: a friend of mine (Yes, you) asked me in class after I had quoted the series several times if I was going to make a religion out of the books. Well, yes, Artemisfowlism is now on the rise, and soon, you may find people referring to Holly Short as "Saint". Anyhow, in this third installment of the Artemis Fowl series, Eoin Colfer once again gives us his all, giving us more detail on the life of this teenage Irish genius. The book begins with Artemis and his bodyguard Butler in a London restaurant waiting for the Chicago bussinessman, Jon Spiro. Artemis created a "C-Cube" out of modified Fairy technology that renders all other technologies obsolete, and intends on selling said device to Spiro with a huge price tag attatched. When Jon Spiro and his New Zealander bodyguard, Arno Blunt enter the restauraunt, all peace is lost. All of the people in the restaurant, apparently working for Spiro, begin attacking Artemis and Butler. Jon Spiro gets away with the C-Cube, though Artemis does take down all of the attackers with a Fairy bomb. I will let you figure out what happens after this, though I must tell you that a character dies, a character comes back to life (The same person???), Holly Short once again assists Artemis in his mischeif, and an event at the very end of the book changes Artemis and Butler until the beginning of the fourth.
Again, kudos to Mr. Colfer for once again producing another wonderful book that people, no matter what age, will hang on to. Eoin (Pronounced "Owen") shows us once again that a book doesn't need to have a title like Harry Potter or A Series of Unfortunate Events to be a great one. If you have thoroughly enjoyed the previous two, the next two, or if you just want to compare this book to others you like to see if you want to get caught up in a new series, then by all means, go to your local library, book store, or Internet and read this book today. My overall scoop: I will try not to sound like a broken record, so let me just say that if the scores for the previous books in this series are history, then history does indeed repeat itself.
Happy Reading!